
Sponges are primitive organisms with a number of defenses. Handling certain sponges with bare hands can result in a dermatitis. Sponges are not eaten because they can be toxic.


Phylum: Porifera, Sponigia


Species that can cause adverse effects:

(1) Tedania anhelans, Tedania ignis

(2) Neofibularia nolitangere, Neofibularia mordens

(3) Microciona prolifera (red moss)

(4) Haliclona viridis


Adverse effects may be due to:

(1) crinitoxins

(2) toxic metabolites (terpenes, polyketides)

(3) silica spicules


Features of sponge dermatitis:

(1) pain

(2) erythema

(3) swelling

(4) pruritis

(5) blistering

(6) desquamation


Silica spicules embedded in the skin can be removed by placing tape over affected skin then removing it.


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