
Pneumocystis jiroveci can rarely occur outside of the lungs. Sometimes the extrapulmonary involvement may be limited to one site. Sometimes two or more contiguous sites may be affected. Sometimes the full extent of spread is not appreciated until autopsy.

Extrapulmonary sites for pneumocytosis may include:

(1) lymph nodes

(2) bone marrow

(3) spleen

(4) thymus

(5) liver

(6) intestines

(7) heart

(8) pericardium

(9) pleural or peritoneal effusion

(10) blood vessels

(11) kidneys

(12) oral cavity

(13) adrenal glands

(14) thyroid gland

(15) pituitary gland

(16) parathyroid gland

(17) brain including meninges

(18) middle ear, external auditory canal, inner ear and/or mastoid air cells

(19) choroids layer of the eye or retina

(20) skeletal muscle

(21) pancreas                 

(22) trachea

(23) other sites as well


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