
Most reports of Chagas disease deal with the late sequelae. Acute Chagas disease may be associated with a number of signs and symptoms.


A patient with acute Chagas disease may present with:

(1) fever lasting > 7 days

(2) headache

(3) abdominal pain

(4) dry cough

(5) myalgias

(6) rash, erythema nodosum and/or facial edema

(7) variable diarrhea

(8) variable malaise

(9) variable arthralgias

(10) variable dyspnea

(11) variable gingivitis

(12) variable myocarditis with supraventricular tachyarrhythrmias and/or ECG changes


The signs and symptoms are nonspecific so diagnosis requires confirmation by some test:

(1) examination of a blood smear

(2) serologic testing

(3) PCR


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