
Frisk et al identified risk factors for the development of cataracts following a bone marrow transplant in children with hematologic malignancies. A patient who has had a bone marrow transplant needs to have visual acuity monitored following the procedure. The authors are from Uppsala University Children's Hospital in Sweden.


Patients were at risk for posterior capsular cataracts.


Risk factors for cataract development in this study:

(1) conditioning before the transplant with total body irradiation (TBI)

(2) high doses of corticosteroids


Other factors that may contribute to cataract development:

(1) history of cranial irradiation

(2) chemotherapy, especially long-term use of busulfan


Deterioration in visual acuity associated with the cataract tended to follow 2 paths:

(1) rapid (within 2 to 4 years of transplant)

(2) slow


Autologous transplants showed a slow progression of posterior subcapsular cataracts and had preserved visual acuity. These patients receive lower doses of corticosteroids since graft-vs-host disease is less of a problem than for allogeneic BMT.


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