
Kerzner et al evaluated risk factors for mortality in patients with heart failure, after separating patients by age and left ventricular ejection fraction. The authors are from Washington University in St Louis, Missouri.


Breakpoints for groups:

(1) age < 75 years vs >= 75 years

(2) left ventricular ejection fraction >= 40% (preserved) vs < 40% (reduced)



Independent Predictors of Mortality

age < 75 years

LVEF >= 40%

male gender

prescribed calcium channel blocker on discharge

diuretic dose at discharge furosemide > 40 mg

age < 75 years

LVEF < 40%

increasing blood urea nitrogen (renal dysfunction)

increasing anemia

not prescribed beta blocker at discharge

age >= 75 years

LVEF >= 40%

increasing blood urea nitrogen (renal dysfunction)

age >= 75 years

LVEF < 40%

increasing age

history of myocardial infarction

severity of reduction in LVEF

diuretic dose at discharge furosemide > 40 mg



• Higher diuretic dose at discharge may reflect renal dysfunction.


Implementation note:

• Much of the data deals with intervals, making implementation difficult. I tried to approximate a risk score, but this has not been tested or validated.


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