
Oxygen content refers to the total volume of oxygen transported by the blood. This consists of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and oxygen in the plasma (dissolved oxygen). The oxygen content is a measure of the amount of oxygen available to the tissue.


arterial oxygen content in volume per cent =

= (1.39 * (oxygen saturation of arterial blood) * (hemoglobin in g/dL)) + (0.0031 * PaO2)



• Oxygen saturation is a fraction

• The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is 1.39 mL of oxygen per gram of hemoglobin

• The amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood is 0.0031 mL of oxygen per deciliter per mm Hg pO2


mixed venous blood oxygen content in volume percent =

= (1.39 * (oxygen saturation of venous blood) * (hemoglobin in g/dL)) + (0.0031 * PvO2)


pulmonary end-capillary blood oxygen content in volume per cent=

= (1.39 * (oxygen saturation of capillary blood) * (hemoglobin in g/dL)) + (0.0031 * PAO2)



• (oxygen saturation of pulmonary capillary blood) is assumed to be 1.00


difference in oxygen content between arterial and venous blood in volume percent =

= (arterial oxygen content) - (venous oxygen content) =

= ((1.39 * (oxygen saturation of arterial blood) * (hemoglobin in g/dL)) + (0.0031 * PaO2)) - ((1.39 * (oxygen saturation of venous blood) * (hemoglobin in g/dL)) + (0.0031 * PvO2))



• normal arterial oxygen content: 18-21 mL oxygen per dL (vol%)

• normal mixed venous blood oxygen content: 14.5-15.5 mL oxygen per dL (vol%)

• normal capillary blood oxygen content: 21 mL oxygen per dL (vol%)

• normal difference in oxygen content between arterial and mixed venous blood: 3.5-5.5 mL oxygen per dL (vol%)


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