
Some patients develop allergic reactions to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) which may be severe enough to prevent their use.


NOTE: Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, ASA, salicylate) sensitivity is often included in this category.


Clinical findings in patients who are NSAID intolerant::

(1) periorbital edema

(2) facial edema

(3) conjunctival chemosis/conjunctivitis

(4) breathing difficulties (asthma)

(5) urticaria

(6) angioedema

(7) anaphylactoid reaction

(8) isolated seizures


The onset is usually within an hour of taking an oral dose but could be much sooner if given parenterally.


Some patients may be intolerant to one NSAID while others may be unable to tolerate multiple NSAIDs. A COX-2 inhibitor such as Etoricoxib can be used safely in many patients with NSAID intolerance.


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