
The appearance of malaria parasites in the peripheral blood smear can be used to identify the infecting species.



(1) make sure malaria is present, excluding other parasites (such as Babesia species) and artifacts (especially platelets or stain debris; platelets are especially a problem for the inexperienced)

(2) try to identify all of the forms and features present after an extensive examination

(3) consider the possibility of a mixed infection with more than one species


Technical issues:

(1) The proper pH of the Giemsa stain is very important, especially to show stippling.

(2) A thick smear should be used to exclude low level parasitemia but may not be adequate for speciation.

(3) A thin smear should be used to speciate.

Features in Blood

P. falciparum

P. vivax

P. malariae

P. ovale

affected RBC

normal size

enlarged, a few ovalocytes

normal size

normal to increased; ovalocytosis

forms in peripheral blood

ring trophozoites and gametocytes only

all forms

all forms

all forms

immature trophozoites (ring forms)

2 chromatin dots; 2+ rings per RBC; applique forms; rings delicate

rarely may have 2 chromatin dots or multiple rings per RBC



mature trophozoites

not seen


band or bayonet forms



not seen

12-24 merozoites in mature schizonts

6-12 merozoites in mature schizont, may form a circle ("daisy")

8-12 merozoites in mature schizont


banana shaped





Mauer's dots or clefts (occasional)

Schuffner's dots (usual)

Ziemann's dots (rare; if overstain)

James's stippling



• applique forms = ring trophozoites at the edge of the erythrocyte, up against the red cell membrane, seen in P. falciparum

• stippling may or may not be present; best seen with Giemsa stain at pH 7.0 to 7.2


Plasmodium falciparum:

(1) features if present: banana-shaped gametocytes, 2+ rings per RBC, 2 chromatin dots, applique ring forms

(2) features suggesting mixed with another species (not pure): all forms present, enlarged RBCs affected, band/bayonet trophozoites, daisy schizont, ameboid trophozoites


Plasmodium malariae:

(1) features if present: all forms present, band/bayonet trophozoites, daisy schizont, <= 12 schizonts (may have 6 or 7)

(2) features suggesting mixed with another species (not pure): enlarged RBCs affected, banana gametocytes, > 14 schizonts, 2+ ring forms per RBC, 2 chromatin dots, applique ring forms


Plasmodium ovale:

(1) features if present: ovalocytosis, all forms present, 8-12 schizonts

(2) features suggesting mixed with another species (not pure): 6 schizonts, > 14 schizonts, banana gametocytes, band/bayonet trophozoites, ameboid trophozoites, daisy schizonts, 2+ ring trophozoites per RBC, 2 chromatin dots per ring, applique ring forms


Plasmodium vivax:

(1) features if present: ameboid trophozoites, all forms present, >= 14 schizonts; may rarely show 2+ rings per RBC or 2 chromatin dots

(2) features suggesting mixed with another species (not pure): normal RBCs infected, banana gametocytes, band/bayonet trophozoites, daisy schizont, < 12 schizonts, applique ring forms


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