
Siersbach-Nielsen et al published a nomogram to estimate creatinine clearance from the serum creatinine, including influence of age, sex and body weight.


endogenous creatinine clearance in mL/min =

= (((urinary creatinine in mg/kg/min) * (body weight in kg) * 100) / (serum creatinine in mg/dL))


The following equations were reported by Mawer et al based on linear regression equations based on the nomogram.


For men (page 15, Mawer et al, 1972):


daily creatinine output in males =

= ((body weight in kg) * (29.3 - (0.203 * (age in years)))) mg/day


For women (page 15, Mawer et al, 1972):


daily creatinine output in females =

= ((body weight in kg) * (25.3 - (0.175 * (age in years))))) mg/day


Alternatively, the female daily creatinine output can be estimated from the male output, as (page 76, Mawer et al, 1976):


daily creatinine output in females =

= 0.8 * (daily creatinine output for a male) =

= (0.8 * ((body weight in kg) * (29.3 - (0.203 * (age in years))))) mg/day


corrected daily creatinine output in mg/day =

= correction for inhibitory effect of a raised serum creatinine upon the 24-hour urinary output of creatinine =

= ((daily output for sex) * (1 - (0.03 * (serum creatinine in mg/dL))))


creatinine clearance in mL/min =

= (((corrected creatinine output) * 100 ) / ((serum creatinine in mg/dL) * 1440)) =

= ((corrected creatinine output) / ((serum creatinine in mg/dL) * 14.4))



• The body weight is the adjusted body mass (use ideal body weight if current body weight exceeds the ideal body weight, else use the current body weight).



• The estimate is too large if there is severe congestive heart failure (CHF) present.


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