
A patient with ulcerative colitis is at increased risk for colon cancer. A patient with ulcerative colitis (UC) who has dysplasia found on biopsy should be managed according to the risk for developing cancer.


DALM = dysplasia associated lesion or mass


Indications for colectomy:

(1) flat high grade dysplasia

(2) flat low grade dysplasia with any of the following:

(2a) identified on initial presentation

(2b) multifocal or synchronous

(3) DALM with non-adenoma-like lesion or mass



• Non-adenoma like lesion is one that is irregular, broad-based and/or strictured.


Indications for polypectomy with increased surveillance:

(1) DALM with adenoma-like lesion in segment not involved by colitis

(2) DALM with adenoma-like lesion in segment involved by colitis


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