
A pigment may accumulate in tissues infected with malaria. This shares a number of features with formalin pigment.


Features of the pigment:

(1) brown or brownish-black

(2) birefringent (anisotropic)


Malarial pigment deposition may be heavy in:

(1) macrophages

(2) hyperparasitemia with Plasmodium falciparum


The best way to remove the pigment is to:

(1) Place a deparaffinized section in 70% ethyl alcohol.

(2) Place the section in 10% ammonium hydroxide made up in 70% ethyl alcohol for at least 15 minutes.

(3) Rinse in distilled water then stain.


Treatment in saturated alcoholic picric acid can also remove the pigment but this requires 12-24 hours of treatment.


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