
Louvet et al

The authors are from Hospital Huriez Lille and multiple other hospitals in France.


Patient selection: alcoholic hepatitis



(1) age in years

(2) serum albumin on Day 0 in g/L

(3) evolution of serum total bilirubin in µmol/L between Day 0 and 7 (not defined but presumably value on day 0 minus the value on day 7)

(4) renal insufficiency (serum creatinine > 1.3 mg/dL or > 115 µmol/L)

(5) serum total bilirubin on Day 0 in µmol/L

(6) prothrombin time in seconds


X =

= (0.147 * (albumin)) - (0.101 * (age)) + (0.0165 * (evolution in bilirubin)) - (0.206 if renal insufficiency present) - (0.0065 * (bilirubin Day 0)) - (0.0096 * (prothrombin time)) + 3.19


probability of 6 month survival =

= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * X))



• The area under the ROC curve was 0.89.


The authors also present a version for use of the INR, but the coefficient in the equation is the same as for the prothrombin time.



• There is variation in different methods for serum creatinine, serum total bilirubin and prothrombin time.


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