
The region of the ischial tuberosity involves the intersection of many structures. A disorder in one or more of these structures can affect the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain. De Paulis et al call this "ischiatic intersection" based on a combination of ischial and sciatic.


NOTE: There is some overlap with the Proximal Hamstring Syndrome described in the next section.


Pain location: over the ischial tuberosity, in the gluteal region of the posterolateral thigh


Structures in the region include:

(1) ischial tuberosity and its bursa

(2) gluteus maximus muscle and its bursa

(3) quadratus femoris muscle and its bursa

(4) insertion for the semitendinosus and the caput longum of the biceps femoris

(5) adipose and other soft tissues

(6) sciatic nerve


Pain can be caused if the sciatic nerve:

(1) is entrapped by adhesions or scar tissue

(2) is compressed against the ischial tuberosity

(3) has a lesion in the nerve itself or its coverings


Bursitis or tendonitis can also be sources of pain in the region.


MRI can often identify which structures are involved.


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