
Ginsburg et al questioned adolescents about what they valued in health care. They identified 15 items that can help providers develop adolescent-friendly healthcare systems. The authors are from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.

Issue groups:

(1) clean and safe

(2) capable

(3) attitude towards patients


Clean and safe:

(1) Providers wash their hands.

(2) Instruments are clean.

(3) People and the environment are clean.

(4) The provider is clean (does not have an infectious disease like HIV, other).


Capable - The provider is:

(1) Knowledgeable.

(2) Able to keep things straight (do not mix things up).

(3) Experienced.

(4) Up-to-date and current.

(5) Consistent (same for all visits)


Attitude towards patients - The provider:

(1) Is honest.

(2) Is respectful.

(3) Treats people fairly and equally.

(4) Observes confidentiality.

(5) Relates well to adolescents.

(6) Gives care that is low (fairly priced is used in the implementation).


For the implementation I used a 5 point scale:

(1) strongly agree

(2) agree somewhat

(3) neutral

(4) disagree somewhat

(5) strongly disagree

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