
Gambling can be an enjoyable recreation for some people. A person may have a problem with gambling if it gets out of control. Following guidelines can help reduce the risk of problem gambling or help identify it early.



(1) who should not gamble

(2) when a person should not gamble

(3) how to gamble responsibly


A person should not gamble if

(1) age < 21 years

(2) history of compulsive or pathological gambling

(3) recent history of alcoholism or chemical dependency

(4) prohibited from gambling by organizational (like baseball players) or employer policy


When a person should not gamble:

(1) if feeling lonely

(2) if feeling angry or depressed

(3) if feeling stressed

(4) if grieving (loss or death of a loved one, other loss)

(5) while trying to solve a major personal or family problem

(6) if trying to impress others


How to gamble responsibly - Do not's:

(1) Do not gamble with borrowed money.

(2) Do not spend more than you can afford to lose when playing.

(3) Do not mix gambling with drugs or alcohol.

(4) Do not let someone pressure you into gambling.

(5) Do not gamble alone.


How to gamble responsibly - Do's:

(1) Do try to limit the frequency and duration of gambling.

(2) Do set limits on the amount of money to be played and stick to them.

(3) Do try to limit gambling to social outings with friends, mixing it with other activities.


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