
The number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) can be used as a measure of intensity of infection by Clonorchis sinensis.


Common methods for counting eggs in the feces:

(1) direct smear

(2) Kato-Katz smear


number of eggs per gram of feces using direct smear =

= (number of eggs counted) * (1000 mg) / (mg of stool used to make the smear)


number of eggs per gram of feces by direct smear =

= (3.76 * (number of EPG by Kato-Katz method)) - 2,479


number of eggs per gram by Kato-Katz method =

= (0.266 * (number of EPG by direct smear)) + 659.4


Number of Eggs per Gram Feces by Kato-Katz Method

Infection Intensity



1 to 500


501 to 1,999


>= 2,000



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