
Morris et al evaluated adult men for their aerobic exercise capacity and maximal heart rate during exercise. The authors are from the Long Beach and Palo Alto Veteran Affairs Medical Centers and Stanford University.


(1) males 21 to 89 years of age who were referred for exercise testing and free of apparent heart disease

(2) males 18 to 72 years of age who were healthy volunteers


exercise capacity in percent =

= (observed MET level) / (predicted MET level) * 100%


Patient Group

Predicted METs for Referred Patients

Predicted METs for Healthy Volunteers

active subgroup

(-0.15 * (age)) + 18.7

(-0.13 * (age)) + 16.4

sedentary subgroup

(-0.16 * (age)) + 16.6

(-0.07 * (age)) + 11.9

whole group

(-0.15 * (age)) + 18.0

(-0.11 * (age)) + 14.7



• The active referred patients seem to have higher predicted METs than the healthy active volunteers. The sedentary volunteers have higher predicted METs than the sedentary patients.


Patient Group

Maximal Heart Rate

referred patients

(-0.9 * (age)) + 196

healthy volunteers

(-0.72 * (age)) + 200


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