
Some families show a high prevalence of depression.


Familial clustering of depression could be due to combinations of:

(1) genetic abnormality affecting brain chemistry

(2) learned behaviors


Features of familial depression:

(1) higher Family Loading Score of Depression (FLSD)

(2) early onset, especially during childhood

(3) recurrent depression

(4) alcohol abuse or other ways of self-medication

(5) comorbid psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, especially in females



(1) Diagnosis of major depression in a child should prompt a more complete family history.

(2) A family history of depression should prompt a screen for substance abuse.

(3) Identification of depression in several family members should prompt a screen of other family members.



• A patient with no family information or only small numbers of first-degree relatives may not be recognized.

• The presence of step parents and step siblings may introduce problems.


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