
Farmers can minimize exposure of their pigs to trichinosis by good animal practices. This can significantly reduce spread of trichinosis through pork consumption.



(1) Do not feed uncooked food to pigs.

(1a) Includes animal waste products and table scraps.

(1b) Do not feed uncooked carcasses from hunted or trapped wildlife.

(2) Eliminate or minimize exposure of pigs to live wildlife.

(2a) Create barriers to separate pigs from skunks, raccoons and other small mammals.

(3) Implement and maintain an effective rodent control program, which may include:

(3a) biosecurity

(3b) maintaining perimeters

(3c) baiting, and

(3d) trapping

(4) Maintain good hygiene.

(4a) Remove dead pigs as soon as discovered.

(4b) Keep feed stored securely.

(4c) Keep barns and farmyards free of clutter.


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