
Bonell et al listed a number of factors that must be considered when trying to deliver an intervention to a site other than the one where it was developed. These factors should be considered when designing and evaluating a clinical trial. The authors are from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of London.


Factors affecting the delivery of an intervention into another site:

(1) feasability

(2) adequate coverage (available to enough people)

(3) acceptability of the interventions to the recipients

(4) effectiveness


Feasability includes:

(1) capability of healthcare providers

(2) availability of necessary resources and infrastructure

(3) cost

(4) compliance with political or cultural restrictions

(5) acceptance by decision makers and providers

(6) barriers


Adequate coverage involves delivery of the intervention:

(1) to all sites

(2) to all population subgroups


Acceptability to recipients:

(1) meeting a need (something they want)

(2) side effects

(3) compatibility with cultural and social norms

(4) costs in time. money and bother


The effectiveness of the intervention should be determined in different groups to find out who benefits from its use. An intervention may not work the same at a new site if the new population differs from the original study participants.


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