
Many patients with spinal cord injury engage in some form of sexual activity and desire a family. A male who has had a spinal cord injury can father children if assisted reproductive techniques are used.


Risk factors associated with infertility:

(1) impaired erectile function

(2) impaired ejaculatory function (anejaculatory, retrograde, nonprojectile, other)

(3) increased dead or immobile sperms (necrospermia)


Ways of obtaining sperm that can be used for assisted reproduction:

(1) masturbation (may if the neurologic injury is incomplete)

(2) vibratory stimulation (mechanical masturbation)

(3) electrical stimulation (electroejaculation)

(4) pharmacologically-induced (intrathecal or subcutaneous neostigmine, prostigimine or other anticholinergic agent)


Electroejaculation is often the preferred method due to the low risk for adverse side effects. Interrupted current delivery is associated with a lower retrograde fraction and greater sperm recovery (Brackett et al, 2002).


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