
Some persons may develop an emotional dependence on exercise that can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Recognition of the features of exercise dependence can help identify a person who may need to seek assistance to deal with the underlying cause.


The person is compulsive about the exercise:

(1) The pattern of exercise tends to be rigid and stereotyped.

(2) Exercise is prioritized above all other activities.

(3) The person may lose weight to enhance exercise performance.

(4) The person is aware of the compulsive nature of the exercise program.


The exercise is used to suppress negative feelings:

(1) If the patient is unable to exercise, he or she experiences is mood alterations such as anger and depression ("withdrawal").

(2) The person exercises to avoid the negative feelings or to seek relief from the experience.

(3) When tolerance is developed to the level of exercise, the person may increase the intensity of exercise to prevent negative feelings.


The person continues to exercise even when it may be detrimental:

(1) The person continues to exercise even when advised to discontinue by a health professional.

(2) The person exercises even if it causes difficulties at work, with family or with social relationships.


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