
A physician's fee for a medical service should be "reasonable" on review. It should not be excessive or illegal.


A fee may be considered excessive if a person knowledgeable of current fee structures has a firm and definite conviction that a fee is too much after review of all the factors in a particular case.


Factors that may impact a physician's fee:

(1) difficulty and/or uniqueness of the services performed

(2) time, skill, experience required for a procedure

(3) experience, reputation and ability of the physician

(4) customary fee for the service in the region

(5) quality of the service



• I am tempted to add riskiness of procedure to cover the liability risk.


Practices considered illegal:

(1) double billings

(2) residual billing when inappropriate by prior agreement

(3) billing for services not performed

(4) billing for material cost in excess of those used


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