
Isopropanol (2-propanol, isopropyl alcohol) and acetone are osmotically active and can be estimated from the osmolal gap.


Isopropanol = (CH3)2 – CHOH with molecular weight 60.10, with density 0.79 g/mL.


Acetone = CH3 – CO – CH3 with molecular weight 58.08


Acetone is often formed during the metabolism of isopropyl alcohol.


1 mg/dL in serum will affect osmolality by

1 mOsm per kg H2O reflects serum levels


0.18 mOsm per kg H2O

5.5 mg/dL


0.17 mOsm per kg H2O

5.9 mg/dL



• 1 mOsm per kg H2O roughly approximates a serum level of 1 mmol/L, or (molecular weight) / 10 mg/dL.


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