
Ellis et al developed equations for estimating fat and fat-free mass in pediatric patients from three ethnic groups. The authors are from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Subjects: males and females from 3 to 18 years of age, with ethnic backgrounds European, Afro-American and Hispanic.



(1) race – White, Black, Hispanic

(2) gender

(3) height in centimeters

(4) age in years


fat mass of a White female =

= (0.642 * (weight in kg)) – (0.120 * (height in cm)) – (0.606 * (age)) + 8.98


fat mass of a Black female =

= (0.653 * (weight in kg)) – (0.163 * (height in cm)) – (0.298 * (age)) + 10.7


fat mass of an Hispanic female =

= (0.667 * (weight in kg)) – (0.217 * (height in cm)) + 15.5


fat mass of a White male =

= (0.534 * (weight in kg)) – (1.59 * (age)) + 3.03


fat mass of a Black male =

= (0.594 * (weight in kg)) – (0.381 * (height in cm)) + 36


fat mass of an Hispanic male =

= (0.591 * (weight in kg)) – (1.82 * (age)) + 3.36


fat-free mass =

= (body mass) – (fat mass)

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