
Giglio developed an equation for estimating the glomerular filtration rate in cancer patients. This can be helpful for adjusting chemotherapy doses. The author is from Goteborg University in Sweden.


Patient selection: cancer patient



(1) age in years

(2) serum creartinine in µmol/L

(3) gender (male =0, female =1)

(4) NSAID therapy (no = 0, yes = 1)

(5) body mass index

(6) body weight in kilograms


GFR in mL per min per 1.73 square meter =

= 10^X


X =

= 2.36 – (0.33 * LOG10(age)) – (0.78 * LOG10(creatinine)) + (0.87 * LOG10(weight)) – (0.03 * (points for NSAID) * LOG10(creatinine)) + ((points for gender) * ((0.05 * (points for NSAID)) – (0.003 * (BMI))))



• The equation overestimated measured GFR for GFRs < 60 ml/min/1.73 sq m, but less than other equations (CG, MDRDm CKD-EPI).

• The equation slightly underestimated measured GFR for GFRs >= 60 mL/min/1.73 sq m while the other equations tended to overestimate.


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