
Occasionally it may be necessary to destain a slide for restaining if no other material is available.



Is the slide coverslipped?

The coverslip needs to be completely removed, often by soaking in a solvent such as xylene for some time.

Is there mounting media on the slide?

All traces of the mounting media must be removed or it will block the stain from reaching the tissue.

Does the slide need to be destained?

Some stains can be performed over an existing stain.

Can the original stain be removed?

Some stains may be difficult or impossible to remove.


Destaining is typically done in an acid alcohol solution.


Typical steps:

(1) If coverslip present, remove it and the mounting media completely.

(2) Soak the slide in 100% alcohol.

(3) Destain the slide in acid alcohol solution (1% HCl in 70% ethanol).

(4) Place the slide in a bluing solution (1 mL concentrated ammonium hydroxide in 1 liter distilled water) for several minutes.

(5) Rinse in water.

(6) Proceed with the new stain.


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