
Goldman et al defined the reactions and complications that can affect donors. This can help to standardize the surveillance of complications. The authors are from the Canadian Blood Services, Blood Systems Inc (Scottsdale), Hema-Quebec, and the Dutch National Hemovigilance Office.


Categories of donor complications:

(1) local symptoms (A)

(2) generalized symptoms, vasovagal reactions (B)

(3) related to apheresis (C)

(4) allergic reaction (D)

(5) other serious complication (E)

(6) other, major cardiovascular event (F)


Other complications may include:

(1) generalized allergic reaction with anaphylaxis (D)

(2) other serious complication not otherwise specified (NOS, E)

(3) major cardiovascular event (F)

(3a) acute myocardial infarction

(3b) cardiac arrest

(3c) transient ischemic attack (TIA) or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

(3d) death within 24 hours of the procedure


The other serious complication NOS must be medically diagnosed and imputability assessed. Similarly if a person dies the cause of death must be determined.


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