
Goldman et al defined the reactions and complications that can affect donors. This can help to standardize the surveillance of complications. The authors are from the Canadian Blood Services, Blood Systems Inc (Scottsdale), Hema-Quebec, and the Dutch National Hemovigilance Office.


Categories of donor complications:

(1) local symptoms (A)

(2) generalized symptoms, vasovagal reactions (B)

(3) related to apheresis (C)

(4) allergic reaction (D)

(5) other serious complication (E)

(6) other, major cardiovascular event (F)


Local symptoms:

(1) blood outside vessel (A1)

(2) arm pain (A2)

(3) localized infection or inflammation (A3)

(4) other major blood vessel injury (A4)

(5) local allergic reaction (D)



• Allergic reactions are separated into local and generalized. The local allergic reaction is included here.


Blood outside vessel may include:

(1) bruise, hematoma (accumulation of blood in tissues; a hematoma can form a mass lesion)

(2) arterial puncture

(3) delayed bleeding (rebleeding after the intial bleeding has stopped)


Arm pain:

(1) from nerve injury or irritation (may be subclassified as less than or greater than 12 months)

(2) other (associated with hematoma or other complications)


Localized inflammation:

(1) thrombophlebitis with inflammation (redness, swelling, tenderness) extending along the vein

(2) cellulitis, with inflammation (redness, swelling, tenderness) not localized to a vein


Other major blood vessel injury:

(1) deep vein thrombosis

(2) arteriovenous fistula between artery and vein

(3) compartment syndrome (necrosis secdonary to compression of artery by raised intracompartment pressure)

(4) brachial artery pseudoaneurysm


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