
Talstad and Gjone listed criteria for disease activity for a patient with ulcerative colitis. The authors reference the criteria reported by Edwards and Truelove, who used the criteria of Truelove and Witts (see above).

Bowel Movements per day

Disease Activity

1 to 4


5 to 10


11 or more



Features indicative of severe disease:

(1) fever > 38°C

(2) tachycardia with heart rate > 100 beats per minute

(3) white blood cell count > 10,000 per µL

(4) erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) > 30 mm/h

(5) anemia, with hemoglobin < 11.8 g/dL



• The hemoglobin cutoffs may need to be different based on age and gender.


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