
Sladen and Burgess presented criteria for evaluating the outcome following surgery to correct peripheral artery disease in the leg. The authors are from the University of British Columbia and St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver.


Chief complaint:

(1) claudication

(2) ischemic pain, ulcer or localized gangrene


If the chief complaint is claudication, then complete success is defined being able to walk without pain a distance greater than the larger of the following::

(1) 200 yards

(2) 3 times the preoperative distance at which claudication occurred



• 66.7 yards (200 divided by 3) is the point at which crossover occurs. For a preoperative distance >= 66.7 yards, use 3 times the preoperative distance. For a preoperative distance < 66.7 yards use 200 yards.


If the chief complaint is pain/ulcer/gangrene, then complete success is both of the following:

(1) absence of pain/ulcer/gangrene AND

(2) ability to walk 100 yards


Failure was defined as postoperative findings the same or worse than the preoperative status.


Equivocal results involved some improvement but not being a success or failure.


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