
A solution of ethanol and water can have its percent alcohol by weight or by volume estimated from its specific gravity at 25°C (77°F).


The data in the alcoholmetric table was analyzed in Minitab version 14.


alcohol in percent by volume from 0 to 100 =

= (-0.003085 * ((percent by weight)^2)) + (1.319 * (percent by weight)) - 0.4612


alcohol in percent by weight from 0 to 100 =

= (0.002867 * ((percent by volume)^2)) + (0.6841 * (percent by volume))+ 1.038


alcohol in percent by volume from 0 to 100 =

= (-1563 * ((specific gravity)^2) + (2339 * (specific gravity)) - 775.4


alcohol specific gravity =

= (-0.000014 * ((percent by volume)^2)) - (0.000626 * (percent by volume)) + 0.9946


alcohol in percent by weight from 0 to 100 =

= (-841.7 * ((specific gravity)^2)) + (1045 * (specific gravity)) - 202.7


alcohol specific gravity =

= (-0.000008 * ((percent by weight)^2)) - (0.001319 * (percent by weight)) + 0.9986



• The specific gravity works if the solution is only water and ethanol. The presence of extraneous sugars or other substances would affect the results.


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