
When 2 observers tally data from the same material, it is useful to see whether the differences in their tabulations is due to chance or due to observer variation.


For more than 2 observations:


chi square =

= (summation from 1 to number of observations ( (((observer A value) - (observer B value)) ^ 2) / ((observer A value) + (observer B value)) ) )

From this value, the probability that the differences between the 2 observers is due to chance can be calculated. The equation can be simplified from an integral depending on whether there is an even or odd degree of freedom.


Even Degrees of Freedom


For even degrees of freedom, this is relatively simple.


probability due to chance (chisquare, degree of freedom) =

= ((e) ^ ((-1) * (chisquare) / 2)) * (summation of i from 0 to I ( (((chisquare) / 2) ^ (i)) / (factorial (i)))



• I = (1/2 * ((degree of freedom) - 2))


2 degrees of freedom

probability = e^((-1) * (chisquare) / 2)


4 degrees of freedom

probability = (e^((-1) * (chisquare) / 2)) * (1 + ((chisquare) / 2) )


6 degrees of freedom

probability = (e^((-1) * (chisquare) / 2)) * (1 + ((chisquare) / 2))+ (((chisquare) ^2) / 8))


8 degrees of freedom

probability = (e^((-1) * (chisquare) /2 )) * (1 + ((chisquare) / 2))+ (((chisquare) ^2) / 8) + + (((chisquare) ^3) / 48))


10 degrees of freedom

probability = (e^((-1) * (chisquare) / 2)) * (1 + ((chisquare) / 2))+ (((chisquare) ^2) / 8)+ (((chisquare) ^3) / 48) + (((chisquare) ^4) / 384))


Odd Degrees of Freedom


For odd degrees of freedom, this is quite complex, and it is easier to use the Excel function CHIDIST.


probability due to chance (chisquare, degree of freedom) =

= 1 - ( (1 / (gamma function (I + 1))) * (summation from 0 to infinity (((-1)^i) * (((chisquare) / 2) ^ (I + i + 1)) / ((factorial (i)) * (I + i + 1)))



• I = (1/2 * ((degree of freedom) - 2))


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