
Jordan and Evans listed indications for electively admitting a patient to the ICU following lung resection surgery. These can help to identify a patient who may require more aggressive monitoring and management following surgery. The authors are from Royal Brompton Hospital and the Imperial College of Medicine in London.


Indications for elective admission to the ICU following lung resection surgery:

(1) age of the patient > 70 years

(2) fibrotic lung disease

(3) risk of cardiovascular complications

(4) elevated ASA grade and/or performance status

(5) poor lung function


Additional factors to consider (probably incorporated with the ASA grade):

(1) recent chemotherapy

(2) significant obesity

(3) hepatorenal dysfunction

(4) smoking during the month prior to surgery



• It might be interesting to see if the patient's calculated lung age could be used instead of the actual age.

• The cutoff for ASA grade was not given. A grade of 3 or higher could be used (although a person with ASA grade 4 or 5 might not be a candidate for lung resection surgery).

• The type of performance status measure and its cutoff are not given. One possibility is a Karnofsky status of <= 70.


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