
Throat myiasis involves the presence of fly larvae in the throat.


Genus of flies involved with humans:Oestrus ovis (sheep nasal bot fly)


Risk factors for throat myiasis:

(1) exposure to sheep or goats from early spring to early fall

(2) presence of bot flies

(3) presence of other cases in the community (it is endemic in Iran)


Clinical signs and symptoms:

(1) foreign body sensation in the throat

(2) burning or itching in the throat

(3) chronic cough

(4) allergic symptoms (rhinorrhea, sneezing, wheezing, lacrimation)

(5) ear and/or nose itching


Laboratory findings:

(1) hypereosinophilia


A person with risk factors and clinical findings should undergo an ENT exam in order to visualize the larva. Ultrasonography may be used depending on the location of the larva.


Spraying lidocaine in the throat will cause the larva to loosen its grip on the mucosa and allows it to be coughed or gargled out.


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