
A person may develop a transient infestation with animal lice following contact with an infested animal. Most lice are host-specific and do not persist away from that host.


Dogs and cats are the most likely animals to serve as a source of the lice because of their close associations with humans, but other animals can be the source.


Clinical features:

(1) contact with an animal with lice

(2) no history of contact with anyone having lice or a pruritic rash

(3) no contact with the clothing, bedding or hat from someone with lice

(4) onset of a pruritis shortly after contact with the affected animal

(5) presence of lice on body hairs

(6) failure of the infestation to persist or for the number of lice to increase



• I wonder if nits (eggs) and/or nymphs are absent.

• The adult female body louse lives about 1 month.


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