
Kamata et al classified a fetus with meconium peritonitis (MP) based on its ultrasound findings in utero. The nature and extent of meconium peritonitis can be used to guide management before and after delivery. The authors are from Osaka University in Japan.



(1) amount of ascites

(2) pseudocyst formation

(3) calcification


Factors influencing the ultrasound finding:

(1) amount of meconium peritonitis

(2) length of time present (acute vs chronic with organization)

Ultrasound Findings


massive meconium ascites

Type I

giant pseudocyst

Type II

small pseudocyst and/or calcifications

Type III



• A small amount of meconium ascites did not have a type.

• Multiple or medium-sized pseudocysts might be difficult to classify.

• In theory there could be a mixed category if findings of more than 1 type are present.


Additional features to look for on ultrasound:

(1) polyhydramnios

(2) fetal hydrops

(3) bowel malformations


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