
Arias-Stella developed a classification for chronic mountain sickness (CMS) based on the description of Monge for a disorder in residents of the Andes in Peru.


Suggested Term

Functional Group


chronic soroche

low altitude resident who has failed to adapt to high altitude


Monge's syndrome

secondary hypoventilation syndrome in person adapted to high altitude


Monge's disease

primary hypoventilation syndrome in person adapted to high altitude


Secondary causes of hypoventilation:

(1) obesity

(2) kyphoscoliosis

(3) neuromuscular disorder affecting the thoracic cage

(4) chronic cardiovascular disease

(5) chronic pulmonary disease


Criteria for Type III chronic mountain sickness:

(1) absence of a secondary cause for hypoventilation

(2) diminished respiratory response to hypoxemia and carbon dioxide

(3) polycythemia (according to Thomas et al, hemoglobin usually > 21.3 g/dL)

(4) cyanosis


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