
An alcoholic who drinks a large quantity of bee or hard cider in a short period is at risk of developing hyponatremia. Beer is hypo-osmolar and it may be difficult for the kidneys to excrete the excess free water (so be sure to eat those salty snacks).


Clinical features:

(1) ingestion of a large amount of beer and/or hard cider in a short period of time, often during a binge period

(2) history of poor dietary intake with protein malnutrition

(3) marked hyponatremia

(4) very dilute urine (low urine osmolarity)

(5) hypokalemia and hypochloremia



(1) central pontine myelinolysis (especially if the hyponatremia is corrected quickly)

(2) hyponatremic encephalopathy

(3) seizures


Differential diagnosis:

(1) other causes of hyponatremia in alcoholics

(2) alcohol withdrawal

(3) other toxic ingestions


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