
Bayes's theorem gives the probability of disease in a patient being tested based on disease prevalence and test performance.

post-test probability disease present given a positive test result =

= ((pretest probability that disease present) * (probability test positive if disease present)) / (((pretest probability that disease present) * (probability test positive if disease present)) + ((pretest probability that disease absent) * (probability test positive if disease absent)))


post-test probability disease present given a negative test result =

= ((pretest probability that disease present) * (probability test negative if disease present)) / (((pretest probability that disease absent) * (probability disease absent when test negative)) + ((pretest probability that disease present) * (probability test negative if disease present)))



Alternative Statement

pretest probability that disease present


probability test positive if disease present


pretest probability that disease absent

(1 - (prevalence))

probability test positive if disease absent

false positive rate = (1 - (specificity))

probability test negative if disease present

false negative rate = (1 - (sensitivity))

probability disease absent when test negative



Restated in terms of sensitivity (S) and specificity (E):


post-test probability disease present given a positive test result =

= ((pretest) * S) / (((pretest) * S) + ((1 – E) * (1 – (pretest))))


post-test probability disease present given a negative test result =

= ((pretest) * (1 – S)) / ((E * (1 – (pretest))) + ((pretest) * ( 1 – S)))


Limitations of Bayes's theorem:

• Bayes's theorem assumes test independence, which may not occur if multiple tests are used for diagnosis.


Relation to positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV):

• If the prevalence of disease in the study used to derive S and E is the same as in the study population [prevalence in the population = (a + c) / (a + b + c + d)], then the PPV and NPV can be used to express Baye's probabilities.

• The PPV describes the post-test probability given a positive result.

• (1 - NPV) describes the post-test probability given a negative result; NPV describes the probability that a negative result indicates a true negative result.

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