
Baritosis is a “benign” pneumoconiosis associated with the inhalation of barium dust. The barium salts that cause baritosis are very insoluble.


Barium dust is encountered in:

(1) barium miners

(2) barium ore (barite = barium sulphate, witherite = barium carbonate) crushing and grinding

(3) bulk handling of barium salts in industry

(4) oil drilling (via drilling mud)


Diagnosis of baritosis:

(1) exposure to barium-containing dust

(2) absence of clinical symptoms

(3) absence of objective findings on the physical exam

(4) pulmonary opacities seen on imaging studies without fibrotic changes


The barium salt may also accumulate in hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes.


A worker with barium salt exposure who develops signs and symptoms of pulmonary disease will typically have another cause identified (silicosis, other pneumoconiosis, COPD, etc).


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