
Drugs with anticholinergic activity should be avoided before and during exercise. These can result in injury or serious complications especially in competitive situations.


Examples of classic anticholinergic agents: atropine, scopolamine


Potential exposures to an anticholinergic agent prior to exercise:

(1) chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD)

(2) tricyclic antidepressant

(3) first generation H1-histamine receptor antagonists

(4) phenothiazine

(5) herbal remedy

(6) ingestion or smoking of jimson weed


An anticholinergic agent may produce:

(1) dry mouth

(2) decreased sweating

(3) urinary retention or hesitancy

(4) blurred vision and dilated pupils

(5) nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain

(6) hot, flushed skin

(7) disorientation or dizziness

(8) tachycardia or palpitations

(9) ataxia

(10) fatigue

(11) drowsiness

(12) photophobia


Problems may arise during exercise because of:

(1) hyperthermia, especially with exertion in warm weather

(2) impaired vision

(3) impaired alertness and clear thinking

(4) easy fatigability

(5) decreased performance due to symptoms

(6) photophobia on exposure to bright light

(7) anginal attack during exertion if coronary artery disease present


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