
A number of anatomic classifications for myiasis have been proposed. Francesconi and Lupi used a modified classification, which is modified further below.


Anatomic classifications include:

(1) Bishopp et al

(2) James et al

(3) Zumpt et al


Classification of myiasis:

(1) bloodsucking (sanguinovorous)

(2) cutaneous (dermal and subdermal)

(2a) furuncular

(2b) migratory (creeping)

(3) wound-related

(4) cavitary (head and neck)

(4a) aural

(4b) nasal

(4c) oral

(4d) ophthalmomyiasis

(4e) cerebral

(5) intestinal (enteric)

(6) urogenital/pelvic

(6a) anal

(6b) vaginal

(6c) urethra and urinary bladder


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