
The Airway Reactivity Score (ARS) is a clinical assessment of airway responsiveness in patients with stable chronic bronchial asthma. It is the percent of 22 common irritants causing or worsening asthmatic symptoms in susceptible individuals during a given time period. It correlates with methacholine hyperresponsiveness, with high airway reactivity scores associated with airway hyperresponsiveness at low methacholine concentrations. The Airway Reactivity Score correlates with the Disease Severity Score.


Usual time period: past 6 months


The patient is asked which irritants worsen the symptoms of asthma (wheezing, chest tightness and/or coughing).


Irritants (22):

(1) heat

(2) cold

(3) rain or dampness

(4) sudden change in temperature

(5) dust

(6) tobacco smoke

(7) cooking or frying odors

(8) fumes

(9) perfume

(10) household spray

(11) soap powders

(12) antiperspirants

(13) cut grass

(14) varnish

(15) household cleaners

(16) respiratory infections

(17) cosmetics, including aftershave lotion

(18) ammonia cleaners or Chlorox

(19) solvents, including alcohol and nail polish remover

(20) crude oil, including gasoline

(21) sawdust

(22) periods of high air pollution


Impact on Asthma







airway reactivity score =

= (number of positive responses) / 22 * 100



• minimum score: 0

• maximum score: 100

• Low scores indicate low methacholine reactivity (require higher methacholine dose for bronchial response).

• High scores indicate high methacholine reactivity (require lower methacholine dose for bronchial response).


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