
The Aggregate Demand Index (ADI) can be used to assess the relationship between supply and demand for healthcare professionals. It can be monitored over time to help determine the need to adjust training or recruitment programs. It was originally developed for evaluating pharmacist demand by the Pharmacy Manpower Project.


Data collection: People involved in hiring are queried about perceived difficulty in filling open positions. The survey is done to be representative of the regional demand across the target area.

Demand Level

Demand Category


high demand

difficult to fill open positions


moderate demand

some difficulty in filling open positions


balanced demand

supply and demand equal


low demand

supply somewhat greater than demand


very low demand

supply much greater than demand



regional fraction of total population =

= (regional population) / (total population for all regions)


regional demand index =

= (points for demand level) * (region's fraction of total population))



• If multiple people in a region are surveyed and the points are averaged, then the fractional values (3.5, 4.2, etc.) may occur.


aggregate demand index =

= SUM(((regional demand points) * (regional population fraction)) for all regions)



• This assumes that the desirability for working in positions averages out. More desirable places with better salaries would experience less difficulty than undesirable positions.


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