
Resistivity of water is affected by temperature. Interpretation of a resistivity reading requires adjustment to the equivalent value at 25°C. This may be done automatically in the instrument or can be done manually.


Manual Temperature Compensation


pt = resistivity reading at temperature t

p1 = resistivity reading at temperature t1, 5 °C above temperature t

p2 = resistivity reading at temperature t2, 5 °C below temperature t

pavg = arithmetic average of p1 and p2

p25 = calculated, temperature-compensated resistivity at 25°C

(delta-t) = absolute value of the difference between 25°C and temperature t rounded to the nearest whole number

f = average fractional change in resistivity per °C at temperature t


pavg = (p2 + p1) / 2


f = (p2 - p1) / ((t1 - t2) * pavg)


If t < 25°C, p25 = pt * ((1 - f) ^ (delta-t))


If t > 25°C, p25 = pt * ((1 + f) ^ (delta-t))


For the temperature range of 0 °C to 50°C, the calculated, temperature compensated resistivity at 25 °C (p25) should be within 5% of the resistivity if it had been measured at 25°C.


Temperature Compensation (Marsh and Stokes') Equation


K25 = electrolytic conductivity in µS•cm at 25°C

Kt = electrolytic conductivity in µS•cm at temperature t

t = temperature of measurement in °C

p25 = calculated temperature compensated resistivity at 25°C


K25 =

= ((Kt - A) / B) + 0.05498


p25 = 1 / (K25)



• A = 0.05498 + (2.9326 * (10 ^ (-3)) * (t -25)) + (6.0629 * (10 ^ (-5)) *((t -25)^2)) + (4.2690 * (10 ^ (-7)) * ((t -25) ^ 3))

• B = 1 + (0.02 * (t - 25))


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